
position: EnglishChannel > Policy
  • Oil Refining Industry Rushes to Go Green

    After China released a two-year action plan for energy conservation and carbon reduction, five key departments, including the National Development and Reform Commission and the National Energy Administration, collaborated to issue a specific action plan for the oil refining industry this June. This plan aims to improve energy efficiency in the sector and reduce CO2 emissions.

  • Policies That Accelerated China's Progress

    China has been improving its science and technology policies to encourage R&D. For more than a decade, a series of important sci-tech policies and measures have been introduced.

  • Beautiful Bays for Beautiful China

    China is gearing up to improve its seascape by building or renovating around 110 beautiful bays across the country. The Ministry of Ecology and Environment (MEE) has issued an action plan to expand and upgrade the "beautiful bay" initiative, a key strategy to revitalize and safeguard the coastal ecosystem.

  • New Action for Energy Conservation, Carbon Reduction

    China's State Council recently released a two-year action plan aimed at energy conservation and carbon reduction to support the carbon peaking and carbon neutrality goals.

  • Zhejiang Embarks on Data IPR Trials

    In late May, Zhejiang province issued a guideline on deepening the reform of data intellectual property rights (IPRs) to promote high-quality development. This is China's first provincial-level policy specifically focused on data intellectual property.

  • Industry Standards for Service-oriented Manufacturing

    To better integrate advanced manufacturing with modern service industries, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology recently issued a guideline to establish standards for service-oriented manufacturing.

  • Developing Digital Villages Prioritized

    China has unveiled version 2.0 of its guideline for building digital villages, a move aimed at tackling emerging challenges while driving rural revitalization through information technology.

  • Blueprint to Modernize China's IP Protection

    In its latest move to motivate innovation and create a sound business environment, China has taken a significant step forward in bolstering its intellectual property (IP) protection system.

  • China to Build More Top-level Archaeological Institutions

    The National Cultural Heritage Administration (NCHA) issued a trial guideline to assist with the development of world-leading archaeological institutions in late May, aiming to elevate the overall impact of China's archaeological institutions and accelerate the high-quality development of cultural relics and archaeology.

  • Tapping Data Value to Build Digital China

    The outlook for China's digital development in 2023 was promising, with its total computing power reaching 230 EFLOPS, ranking second globally. That was revealed by the Digital China Development Report (2023) released during the 7th Digital China Summit that opened in Fuzhou city, southeast China's Fujian province on May 24.

  • Sci-tech Innovation Gets Tax Breaks

    Expenditures funded by enterprises for specific basic research are now allowed to be deducted at the rate of 100 percent before tax. In addition, the income generated from the commercialization of sci-tech achievements will enjoy tax incentives, including value-added tax (VAT) reduction and income tax reduction.

Top News

  • According to the third national survey of cultural relics, over 760,000 immovable cultural relics were examined and registered. The protection of these relics presents a significant challenge due to their historical span, diverse materials, and complex preservation environments.Faced with these challenges, what measures are needed to combat the erosion of time at some of these historic sites?

SCO Sees Remarkable Achievements

The 24th Meeting of the Council of Heads of State of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) took place in Astana, capital of Kazakhstan, on July 3 and 4. Chinese President Xi Jinping attended the meeting and discussed the future of the organization and ways to advance cooperation so as to achieve new and greater progress for this important multilateral mechanism.

2024 Summer Davos: Embracing Innovation, Driving Future Growth

Running from June 25 to 27 and themed "Next Frontiers for Growth," the 2024 Summer Davos gathered more than 1,700 representatives.

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